You may not be familiar with the term Orthosiphon Spicatus BBS The name refers to the plant in Indonesia known as the Cats Whisker . His name is unique and forms of flowers similar to the cat's whiskers . Plant annual herb and is widely grown in the lowlands to the place with a height of no more than 700 meters above sea level . At first , he found growing wild in the area around the creek is also ditch . However, because of her beauty , she eventually used as a popular ornamental plant . Getting here , cat whiskers empowered not only to decorate the garden , because it turns out he also herbal medicine . Benefits cat whiskers has been widely felt . What are the properties ?
Content Cats Whisker
Before discussing what are the benefits of cat's whiskers , very important to know and understand the chemical compounds that are concealed inside . Based on research , it is known that the cat's whiskers plant contains compounds include orthosiphonin glycosides , essential oils , sapofonin , potassium salt , sinensetin , mioinositol , saponins , fatty oils , tanning substances and many others . Because these compounds , the plants then known as cat whiskers tend to taste sweet with a bitter taste that does not mix dominant . He also is cool .
Based on what it contains , the benefits of cat whiskers become very complex . Start of urinary laxative or diuretic nature , treating kidney infections that have acute and chronic , treating urinary infections or cystitis content , eliminating urinary stone disease and diabetes or diabetes mellitus , gout arthritis overcome , lowering blood pressure , anti - inflammatory and still many others . Various benefits of cat 's whiskers make it extra- popular plants used as medicine .
How to Use Java Tea For HealthAs a medicinal plant , parts used cat whiskers are the leaves . To treat certain types of diseases , the recipe used is different . Here's a little description for you .
One benefit is the cat's whiskers shed urine . To get these benefits , take leaves cat whiskers are still fresh or have been drained of approximately ¼ grip . Then boiled with a glass of water . When shrinkage into half a glass of water , turn off and let cool boiled water . Furthermore, strain and drink the water . For maximum results , drink in the morning and afternoon of each ½ cup .
To obtain the benefits of cat's whiskers in eliminating bladder stones , please take leaf cat whiskers of approximately 90 grams . Before use , make sure you wash it clean . After that , boiled in water as much as 1 liter . Wait until boiling and shrinkage to approximately 750cc . Remove and let cool . Furthermore, strain and drink 3 times per day by the number of 250cc in the morning , afternoon and evening . If you experience pain during urination , may use cat whiskers . Because it is also beneficial launched urinary tract problematic content . Quite easy , brewed leaf cat whiskers that have been dried like tea , and drink every morning . Add honey or brown sugar to make it more " friendly " on your tongue .
Good luck !
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